Finished the Droggeljug-mode
Completely finished Deponia
Postal-service-cats are not franking enough
Immediately tell Goal the truth, without clicking on any other options
History of Deponia (Lit all windows with the cotton-candy and looked at them)
Meet the time-traveling Rufus (Throw item in the pond)
Ate all different flavors of the cotton-candy, the bubble gum and the anchovy
Used levers near the cotton-candy machine 20x in total
Finished Chapter 2
Finished Switch-Mini game without skipping
Used the power inverter with the maintenance box
Finished Power Inverter Minigame without skipping
Finished Chapter 1
Finished Pigeon-mini game without skipping
Made the Espresso
Blew up the right houses with the first try
Mastered the harpoon-mini game without skipping
Caught your toothbrush
Finished tutorial without skipping